in depth Yoga teacher training 200 hrs
June 16th - July 5th 2025
Asana, Anatomy, Philosophy and meditation
Are you looking for a high quality Yoga Teacher training? This course offers a non-dogmatic approach to the philosophy and practice of yoga: Yoga history is based on recent groundbreaking research including both the Hindu and Buddhist perspectives. Our approach to teaching is student centered in that I adapt the Ashtanga sequence to the individual student´s anatomy and circumstances. The course gives you 200 hrs Yoga Alliance Accreditation
Who is this course for?
This on-site program, located in Vajra Yogalaya, Kathmandu, is aimed at you who are a dedicated yoga practitioner or teacher with an honest wish to deepen your understanding of yoga. It is for you who are ready to make a transition into yoga as an embodied philosophy and a spiritual practice. This is a course for you who:
· Are well established in your asana practice, (min 2 years of regular practice)
· Want to learn philosophy and meditation and explore yoga in workshop style classes
· Want to make all aspects of yoga a greater part of your life
· See the value of being part of a community of like-minded practitioners
Ellen Johannesen
Your teacher on this course
Your instructor on this course is Ellen Johannesen; level 2 authorized by KPJAYI and one of Norway´s most experienced Ashtanga Yoga teachers. With more than 30 years of experience, Ellen teaches yoga based on her extensive background in movement, first as contemporary dancer and later as an advanced level Ashtanga practitioner. Ellen is deeply engaged in Eastern philosophy, holding an MA degree in Buddhist studies and Himalayan languages. She is well versed in the practices of the Himalayan yogis, speaks fluent Tibetan and works as both an oral interpreter and textual translator of Buddhism. She is a practitioner of the Vajrayana path of Buddhism and also pursues an interest in the scientific research into the benefits of contemplative practices. In this context she has undergone extensive courses in Sadhana tantric rituals, positive psychology and neuroscience and sustainable compassion. Ellen is a much -loved teacher of asana as well as philosophy and meditation. She runs Mysore classes, pilgrimages and retreats in Nepal and teaches regularly throughout Norway and internationally.
What will I learn from this YTT?
This course provides the support and guidance you need to take your practice to the next level. You will be guided to widen the scope of your practice and teaching to include meditation, philosophy and workshop style teaching. You will learn to apply anatomical principles to teaching, make safe hands on adjustments and effectively adapt your teaching to different groups of students. You will learn to apply the philosophy of yoga as a transformative sadhana practice that keeps you grounded and inspired. You will also contribute to a sangha, a community of practitioners and teachers who are there to support and monitor your progress. So why not aspire to be the best version of yourself as a practitioner, a teacher and a human being?
Course content
The Basics
The course consist of modules with slightly different focuses:
1: The first module is concerned with Surya Namaskar and learning the counted Vinyasa of the Surya Namaskar A and B. We are also establishing the language of anatomy to start communicating about movement in Yoga. We start our introduction to Yoga Philosophy
2: The second module focuses on standing asanas and teaches you how the complexity of standing, twists, balances and forward bends are combined to prepare the body for seated asana. You practice the counted vinyasa of the standing sequence and how to adjust them. You learn the anatomy of breathing, the function of twists and how to adjust them. Philosophy covers the Vedic period, yoga in ancient times and the scriptural accounts of ascetics and sages.
3: The third module teaches you seated asana up to Navasana, focusing on the energy of the subtle body in forward bends. You study the anatomy of forward bending and how to adjust them. You practice the technique of jump backs and jump throughs and memorize the counted vinyasa of the sated asanas. Philosphy covers the classical period, the yoga of the Buddha and Patanjali.
4: In the fourth module is focused on the second half of the first series and beyond. You will understand the dynamics of complex asana and learn how to break them down for teaching and demonstration. You practice the counted vinyasa of the second half of Primary. Anatomy covers external hip rotation, adjustments and preparations for Padmasana. Philosophy covers yoga in the Tantras, Hathayogapradipika and similar texts that introduce the body as a tool for transformation.
5: The fifth module teaches the finishing asanas, backbends and arm balances. You learn the counted vinyasa of the finishing sequence and the technique and break down of arm balances and backbends. Philosophy covers yoga in the Mysore tradition, Ashtanga Yoga and the emergence of modern yoga.
6: The sixth module is where you get to demonstrate proficiency in practice and polish your teaching skills in Ashtanga yoga. Students take turns leading the class and adjust each other and are given feedback from the teacher. You take your exams in philosophy and anatomy
Through these modules you will learn the tools of Yoga, get a good understanding of anatomy and learn the history and philosophy of Yoga.
Course content:
Mysore self practice and Master classes
The history and philosophy of yoga, lectures and discussions
Chanting and Pranayama
Anatomy and Physiology how to apply anatomic principles in your teaching.
Embodying yogic wisdom through daily meditation sadhana.
Course dates and Location
Course dates: June 16- July 5th Location: Vajra Yogalaya Bakhundole, Kathmandu
Participation and course requirements:
In order to graduate with a diploma from this course, 100% participation is required. If you miss sessions, you must arrange with your course teachers for make up sessions. You are expected to engage with the course material throughout the duration of the course. By the end of the course you must have completed the assigned parts of the home study and completed the written assignments and quizzes related to it. You are also expected to engage in a daily meditation and contemplation practice, such as Loving Kindness or Calm Abiding meditation, throughout the course.
This course is Yoga Alliance (YA) registered. If you have further inquiries about the course, do not hesitate to contact me and I`ll do our best to answer your questions!
The price for this course is $ 2000* which must be paid fully in advance and at leas one month prior to the course starting date.
A reduced rate $ 1500 is given to Nepali and SAARC students
You secure your place on this course only by submitting the registration fee of $ 300.
All registrations must be submitted before April 1st 2025